
A Mother’s Lap


A birthday post for my Mom:

As a child, I was terrified of storms. I would leave my bed and run down the dark hallway to your room to seek peace and comfort. You would hug me and tell me everything was alright. You rubbed my back and patiently waited until I was ready to go back to my room. You knew I was scared, but always encouraged me to be brave and face my fears.
I remember your lap was often my comfort spot. In countless storms throughout my childhood, the same scene would play out. I vividly remember one stormy night in your lap. You and Dad hired babysitters this night. This was a rare occasion when you two actually went on dates. Since there were 5 Kids, we usually had 2 babysitters. After the babysitters went home, a huge storm came. While in your lap, we talked about the storm and God. I told you I was worried about the babysitters getting home safely and I was worried about lightning striking the house. You said two words that have stuck with me well into adulthood. “Just pray.” We did just that.

It’s those two words that have helped me navigate the hard times I have endured throughout life. It’s as if you are sitting here listening and reminding me to just pray and trust.

She taught me that when you’re scared, just pray. She sadly passed away in September 2011. She battled cancer and died in a car accident shortly after her 52 birthday. I never told her how much that one stormy night impacted my life. I wrote this post to share her wisdom in celebration of her.

Happy 59th birthday, Mom! 💜


via Daily Prompt: Sludge

The sludges of life.

It hits you.

One day you’re stepping in the soft dirt with the sun’s heat beating down on you.

The easy going pace of life has suddenly taken a huge turn. A turn that’ll test your grit. It’ll test your faith and perseverance. It’ll make you second guess everything you’ve known thus far.

You’ve reached a bridge. A bridge that requires you to balance and walk on one foot. You become distracted and have managed to misplace your footing. You struggle to regain balance but you fall in the murky water; unsure of what’s below. Hopeless.

You won’t give up without a fight. You’re in pain. Bruised. Tired. You muster enough strength to arise from the water.

Once you’ve reached dry land though, you’re beaten. The water has weighed you down. The dirt has now turned to sludge. Sludge that adds weight to your legs as you try to walk. Hopeless.

Your life suddenly feels like sludge. Sticky. Dirty. Unloveable. Stuck. Hopeless.

It doesn’t matter how much you fight, it’s still there weighing your legs down. Keeping you knocked down. Beaten. Tired.

One day you observe the sludge is slowly coming off. Your legs start to feel lighter. You have the strength to carry on and continue. You have hope again. Hopeful you will survive.

But ask yourself. Is the sludge coming off or did the sludge cause you to become stronger? The sludge wanted to break you. It wanted to bring you down. You didn’t allow it. You only became stronger. Wiser. Hopeful.

The sludge in life may cause you to be discouraged but hold on. There’s always hope at the end.

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 3-5

Keep moving. Keep growing.


Covered in Waves of Grace


When the waves crashed upon the shore, I noticed something that I’ve never paid much attention to before.

I make all things new.

 Before the waves crashed upon the shore, the sand is covered in broken shells and rocks.  Of course when the tides recede, the shore becomes clean and smooth.  The waves wash away the broken shells.  The rough sand.

My mind instantly thought of God.  The wind was blowing, so I envisioned Him standing next to me.  It felt like He was telling me that the waves represent My grace, faithfulness, and love.  The broken shells and rough sand represent your sin, regret, bitterness, and hatred you’ve been carrying around.  All the negative thoughts you’ve had about yourself, the doubt, the worry. Your battle with perfection.  Please child, give them to Me. I promise to make a clean heart and ease your mind.  My grace will wipe it away and make you clean. Just trust me.

I looked up and saw the sun rising and the rays were shining on the water.  I was reminded that warm March morning that my burdens are washed and thrown into the ocean never to be thought of again.  My soul is anchored in His love.

I’m loved by the One True King despite my shortcomings.  You are too, my friend.  Let go and trust God.  He’s got this and He has you.

He makes all things new.  Trust Him.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  2 Corinthians12:9

Single Rose

It’s just a single rose.  How can something so small make such a huge impact?

I walked into the assisted living center not really knowing what to expect.  I didn’t have a reason to visit except I had this tug in my heart to go.  I was greeted by this happy, smiling event coordinator,Pam, who was very receptive to this random stranger who just walked in.  I explained to her that I wasn’t visiting anyone in particular but wanted to visit on Valentine’s Day in case anyone was feeling lonely.  Pam proceeded to tell me that the residents were in the dinning hall and I was welcomed to go in and converse with anyone.  

Pam left me awkwardly standing in the lobby while she went to go fix the coffee.  I stared into the dinning hall and asked myself why I even bothered to show up. Pam came back to save the day and asked if I’d be willing to help with something.  She told me about this son who sent his mom and every lady in the building, roses on Valentine’s Day.  His mom passed away a few months ago, but he still sent in a box of roses for the ladies.  She asked if I would be willing to deliver the roses to the residents in the hall.  I accepted the task, not really expecting the impact that came.

I walked into the dinning hall and I felt the stares and the glances from a room full of senior citizens.  I greeted the residents and handed every lady a rose.  Some ladies pushed the rose to the side and continued their dinner.  Most were over the moon because it was the first gift they had received in a long time.  They had the biggest smiles on their faces and happiness in their eyes and I suddenly knew why I had this tug. I needed to learn a lesson.  Each lady received just one, single rose.

Afterwards, I stuck around with a new friend, who happened to be a spunky, Jesus loving, lady. She told me the same story 5 times, but I loved every minute of it. I sat in the lobby with about 20 other residents praising Jesus because a local church came to sing to the residents. 

It took one, single rose to make a difference.  

The one, single rose taught me:

-Making a difference does not always have to require a set time or schedule.

-Love comes in more than one way.

-Small gestures often yield the greatest result

-It opened up the door to see other ways I can have an impact on the community especially in an area out of my comfort zone.

-Jesus can show up anywhere.

-Single or not, you’re important.  You matter.  

Who would have guessed that one, single rose could offer so much insight.  Lets work together to find those one, single rose moments in which we can shine our light brighter than the darkness.

Hope you had a wonderful, love-filled Valentine’s Day!




And just like that, it’s gone.

I learned at an early age, just how mean people are.  I spent the early part of my childhood teased, mocked, and bullied. I never grew thick skin from it.  I never learned how to stand up for myself nor come up with ways to cause harm towards those who caused me so much agony.  I think I developed a thing I like to call “keep everyone at an arm’s length and build walls. Because everyone in my life has caused me nothing but hurt.”  Not the best choice, obviously, in dealing with nasty people, but at a young age, it was the only way I knew how to handle the hurt.  I also have learned how NOT to treat people.  I’m probably too nice to people, but I know how it feels like to be the dirt on someone’s shoe. 

Growing up, I had a speech impediment.  I remember going to speech therapy in school and being so embarrassed when I couldn’t pronounce letter sounds correctly. I hated reading out loud in front of my classmates so much, that I refuse to make my students do it.  I only call on the students who want to read so I don’t cause any kids to wind up hating reading.  Or give a child another reason to hate themselves.  I remember my family members, out of frustration and trying to help, constantly telling me to articulate the words better.  “Open your mouth, Bethany and articulate the words.” Every time they tried to help, I just felt even more unworthy.  I wanted to be the perfect, well-behaved daughter and every time I was told to speak better, I felt inadequate.  I knew they were frustrated and only wanted to help. Already feeling like I was worthless to people and not being able to thrive on the same level as most of my peers, I was constantly reminded how different I was and not in the positive way. The nights of being afraid of going to school, parties, or other functions because I would have to talk but no one would understand me. I wanted to be the same but how could I? People helped reminded where I was stuck at, where could I find hope from people?

I’ve used the excuse with speaking as a mask in my life.  I used it to shut people out of my life and let friendships die because I was too worried that I would embarrass myself. My friendships were always surface level and I only allowed people in my life to a certain level.  I have a few friends in my life that have proven to me I can trust them.  They put up with my wordless convos and know that sometimes I do most of the listening, and they do the talking.  I like to think they’re okay with it.  They must be, because they’re patient and want my friendship. I’ve also used the speaking mask as an excuse in my walk with God.  He can’t use me, the person who stumbles over words.  I think about Moses and how he struggled with words, but He was used by God to be a hero.  

 As an adult, I have learned how to overcome it.  I still stutter and probably don’t pronounce words correctly. I’m sure I still speak too fast and slur my words.  I can feel the words getting caught in my throat and sometimes I freeze mid-sentence because I have to come up with a synonym that I can say. Then, I get self-conscience because I’ve randomly stopped speaking in mid-sentence.   I’ve learned mind tricks to overcome it. 

During our last snow, I realized something.  Not sure why it’s taken years worth of snows to come to this insight, but it has.  Of all the bitter cold and pain I’ve endured, I’ve finally come to terms with who I am.  I can look in the mirror and be somewhat content with the image staring back at me.  I can say a cuss word and not feel like my life has ended. I can forget to throw the clothes in the dryer and not immediately start calling myself negative names.  I’m finally happy with who I am.  My forgetfulness, my impatience, my frustrations, my anxiety, my fears.  All are perfect pieces that make me; these are what make me the unique human that I am.  Everyone has something they may not like about themselves, for some it is height, the color of their eyes, their handwriting but it is a part of who we are. We have to learn to love ourselves. 

Somewhere during the hard, bitter times I’ve been able to find peace with I am. I give to credit to God.  He’s taken hold of my heart and hasn’t left me sliding down the icy slopes in life alone.  He’s been there pushing me to be the better person He knows I can be. He lets the snow and ice fall on my life because He knows it’s what I need to become to person He wants me to be. Ever notice how the grass is so vibrant and green after the snow melts?  That’s how I feel at the end of a cold, bitter time in life.  The bitter times helped me become not only stronger but also wiser. I no longer put my worth based on the things people have told me. He’s knocking out my fears and I’m enjoying the ride. 

Enjoy the rides in this life. Try to praise God during the bitter times.  He won’t leave you to fight them alone.  Also remember that you’re perfect. Beautiful. And loved. Keep striving to be the person you can be and watch how the pieces fit together. 

I have to remember to keep fighting onward against the demons in my head telling me who I am not and battling against the inner darkness to be nothing as I once saw myself, which was only an illusion to the truth of what I am. Like a phoenix, I will continue to rise from the ashes from the fires that failed to burn me. Though the rise is slow at times it is however more than staying where I once laid.

And just like that, the negative self image is gone and replaced with beautiful imperfections. 

Love yourself, 


Enjoying the Plunge


There it was again.  A reminder that God has it all under control.  I like to believe that God puts things in nature to help us humans grasp His power.

Have you ever stopped the craziness of life just to be still and watch a leaf fall to the ground? It falls to the ground so swiftly and seems so carefree.  When I noticed the leaves, I told myself I wanted to be just like that.  Carefree.. I pondered, what made the leaf seem so  carefree as it was falling from its source of comfort and falling into the unknown down below?  Trust and faith that’s what.

On its own, the leaf life cycle is interesting.  The leaf begins as a  bud and eventually grows into a beautiful, unique design in various shades of green.  After it has reached its peak of oxygen, sun and everything else it needs to survive, it stops growing. The food making process stops making food and they eventually fall to the ground off their source of food.  How amazing is the life cycle?  Most of the science behind it occurs within and we are blessed to see the beauty of it on the outside.  They change from green to even more beautiful hues of colors.  They change to something new and more beautiful than before.

Once the leaves realize their source of food is no longer comforting them, they make the decision to let go.  Once their normalcy has been cut off, they take the fall to the ground.  They don’t know what lies beneath them.  They don’t think about how many times they’ll get stepped on or how many times a car tire may run over them.  They certainly don’t think about the number of  kids who’ll find entertainment in jumping on them.  They don’t consider all the hard, fearful things holding them back.  They let go and enjoy the plunge because that’s what God has told them to do.  They fall swiftly to the ground because they know that although they’re falling in the unknown, they trust the process.  They trust their Creator.

I’m learning what it truly means to let go and trust God during this season of life. Letting go of control. Letting go of fears. Past hurts. Negativity. Pride. Hot messes. Plans. Comfort zones. The process has been painful as I’ve had to let some friendships go.  I’ve had to let plans go, no matter how hard I’ve tried to make it work.  I’ve realized that despite my hardest effort, the plans I make will go only if it’s what God has planned.  Hard work and reaching goals will come, but there will be setbacks.  Setbacks allow us to grow as people.  He’s the only One who is in control.  I’m just a passenger having a hard time giving Him complete and utter control.

I’m learning that no matter how hard I cling to things for security, I’m expected to slowly let go and trust. Let go and enjoy the plunge because during the painful and scary process, God is creating something new.  He has my best intentions in His hands.  The process of plunging into the unknown is painful, but my heart is falling more in love with Him, and I believe that’s what He wants.  He wants my only source of comfort and life to come from Him.

He has blessed me immensely with wonderful people in my life. He knows how much I need these people in my life and I can’t thank God enough for blessing my life with family friends who are still standing by side, even though I’m a hot mess most of the time.

What are some things that you need to let go of and just enjoy the plunge of trusting in Him?

Leave the past, fears, and comfort zones and take that jump into the hands of our Loving Savior.  He’ll embrace you.  You can trust Him.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”- Psalm 73:26  

“Behold I am making all things new”- Revelation 21:5

Lets learn to become carefree and learn how to trust Him 100% together.




Wake Me When September Ends

The title of a poplar song I heard in my teenage years is the anthem of my life.

Everyone seems to get excited when the calendar switches over to September. Fall makes its appearance everywhere you turn and becomes the talk of conversation while stepping out into the sticky humidity of a southern summer. Everyone looks forward to the coolness that autumn brings.    The leaves turn from  beautiful hues of green to brighter hues of orange and red.  Everyone enjoys being outside and getting together with friends for tailgates and campfires. 

I, on the other hand, don’t get very excited about fall appearing.  I become moodier, super impatient, and I mentally cringe when the calendar flips to September.  I’m in my own little world and live in my mind most of the month. I probably come across as a rude person to most people during September.  I usually blame it on being back to work and getting back in the swing of the new school year.  With that comes learning new schedules and learning about the kids I’m in charge of..but deep down, I know the reason.

While everyone is excited for the seasonal change, I dread it.  

I hate the change from summer to fall because five years ago, I had to endure a hard change.  A life altering change.  A change that I wish I hadn’t endured, but one that I needed.  It’s the change that crosses my mind when I see the first leaves falling to the ground.  When I can physically see the changes occur in nature, it brings me heartbreak.  Heartbreak because I know that eventually the date will come and I’ll have to relive the heartbreak all over again.  The memories come flooding to my mind despite me trying to stop them.  

I still try picking up the phone to call mom.  She’s been singing praises with Jesus for 5 years and I still have the urge to pick up the phone. The biggest change is not having a mom to call and ask the dumbest questions.  I have women in life that I see as “my second mothers” but it’s not the same.  The hardest part is realizing that although I still think about her, I feel like I’ve forgotten her. I’ve forgotten how her voice sounds.  I’ve forgotten how her laugh could fill up the entire room.  I’ve even forgotten how to make her delicious food.  But I haven’t forgotten how much she loved me.  I haven’t forgotten how her hugs could bring so much comfort and how holding her hands brought so much security.  I haven’t forgotten how much she put herself last and made an impact on anyone that crossed her path.

Grief was a change I never wanted.  It’s a change that no one wants.  I still need my mom.  But, I’ve grown so much through the years because of grief.   It makes you more compassionate.  It makes you realize how much you need Jesus to cling to.  It makes you live life to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised.  I’ve crossed finish lines that I never thought I would ever accomplish.  It makes you love people more than ever before.  It makes you forgive easier. 

Changes are part of life.  They’re what keeps life interesting and help us become the person we’re supposed to be.  There isn’t a person in the bible who didn’t have to endure changes in life to become the person God called them to be.  As hard as change is sometimes, its always for our best.  Losing my mom was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with, but looking back, its something that has caused me to grow into a more compassionate person.  I know how to reach out to those hurting because I’ve been through grief. Its helped me cling to my Savior’s love and promises more than anything else.  

If you’re currently facing a hard season of changes, just breath.  Keep moving and know that no matter how many changes occur in your life, the only One who will never change is God.  He’s  your anchor holding you during the storm. Life looks scary right now, but one day, things will get better.  May not be tomorrow.  May not be next week.  But one day, things will get better. 

When October arrives, I’m back to being Bethany.  I’m back to loving fall and all it brings-boots, scarves, apple cider, bonfires, football, and hiking.  I’ll be back to blow your phone up with pointless text messages 🙂 

Until then, wake me when September ends. Let me live in my mind and bear with me.  I need people in my life.  I love the people in my life even if sometimes I don’t show it.

But, I can’t ever love you as much as God does.  He loves you no matter what.  Never forget that.

